About Quadrant Financial Services
We are independent financial advisors who provide quality financial planning solutions to professionals, senior management, and successful business owners. Our areas of expertise include Life Insurance, Investments, Retirement Advice, Medical Aid, Estate Planning, Financial Planning, and Employee Benefits.
We have 28 years of experience as professional financial advisers and take pride in striving to be the benchmark of excellence in service delivery. Our focus has always been on building personal and long-term relationships and to add value to our client’s lives.
Jeff Goldberg is the Key Individual and holds a Post Grad Diploma in Financial Planning and an MBA degree and is a Certified Financial Planner. Quadrant is a Licensed Financial Services Provider (FSP No 8152) and are proud members of FPI as well as Masthead who monitor our compliance. In order to provide quality financial advice, we follow the 6 step Financial Planning process and partner with the largest, reputable and most innovative insurance, investment, and medical aid companies.
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